In collaboration with the company Cie Les 3 Plumes and UNISON project (Silvia Gribaudi, Laura Moro, Franca Zagatti).
WAM! Festival 2022 offers to the citizens of Faenza a unique opportunity to create choral movement actions in the urban spaces of the city, thanks to the help of the choreographers participating in the festival. The workshops can be accessed by anyone, and each participant decides whether to push forward the virtuosity of the movement according to his/her own possibilities.
This is how we can highlight the skills and different abilities of every individual and include professionals, children, and amateurs, as well as involve artists from other disciplines such as the music band Musicanti di San Crispino.
The involvement of people with different abilities is also possible.
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You can check the detailed program on our website and social media.
From 6 PM to 9 PM – Cie Les 3 Plumes at Arena Cinema Europa, Corso Europa 79
From 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM – Cie Les 3 Plumes at Piazza San Francesco
From 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM – Cie Les 3 Plumes at Piazza San Francesco
From 10 AM to 12:30 PM – Cie Les 3 Plumes – Itinerant open rehearsal with Musicanti di San Crispino at Piazza San Francesco, Piazza della Libertà and Piazza del Popolo
From 6 PM to 8 PM – UNISON itinerant practices open to all citizens – departure from Parco Tassinari (via Cavour) arrival at Piazza del Popolo
8 PM – Cie Les 3 Plumes with Musicanti di San Crispino – Dance and music performance at Piazza della Libertà and Piazza del Popolo
It is how we get in touch with potential other dancers, who wish to learn the improvisation system and practice the tools for movement creation.
These tools are accessible at all levels and allow the participants to push, or not, the virtuosity of the movement according to their possibilities, and to enhance the skills and different abilities of each one.
This process allows us to easily create a relationship with professionals, but also to include children and amateurs, and to involve artists from other disciplines, such as I Musicanti di San Crispino in Faenza.
The involvement of people with different abilities is also possible.
We will explore the relationships between the dancers, focusing on space, time, and levels.
The improvisational system creates a strong unity even in very large spaces.
The simplicity of the relationship, easily understood by observers, allows to trace invisible connections even between very distant people and to focus on the different nuances and quality of these connections.
The mechanisms of contamination will be the result of mimesis, which will be immediately modified by looking for contrasts in rhythm, time, and timbre.
After training with common tools for movement creation, the group will be able to choose how to make the leader’s proposal resonate in a unanimous but also distinguished way. The individual proposal will be transformed into a choir proposal and enriched with nuances and details.
Like a flock of birds.
Being space with Laura Moro
Corps de ballet with Silvia Gribaudi
The flock with Franca Zagatti
The three practices will be connected by the coordination of Silvia Gribaudi who will lead the group from one space to another in the city. The theme is UNISON.
What does it mean today to be a body and a community?
How to be a unison within a spontaneous action?
How to be a unison in a group made of individuals of different age, corporeality, rhythm, and energy?
How do bodies relate to places?
Can we understand each other even from a distance? How?
We look forward to dancing together with you!
The practices are open for people from 14 to 90 years old. Please wear clothing suitable for physical activity.